Changes made to the benchmark graphic compared to the originally published version. 2023-04-18 Added datapoint: Chen, Y. et al., Sci. Adv. 6, eaba7406 (2020). Added datapoint: Ouyang, W. et al., Nature Communications, 14(1), 1716 (2023). Added datapoint: P. N. Bernal et al., Advanced Materials. 31(42), 1904209 (2019). Edited datapoint: D. Loterie et al., Nature Communications. 11, 1–6 (2020). Modified print rate based on data supplied by authors. 2022-11-29 Added datapoint: V. Hahn et al., Nat. Photon., 1–8 (2022). Added secondary datapoint: M. Regehly et al., Nature. 588, 620–624 (2020). Added datapoint: K. Hsiao et al., Science Advances. 8, eabq2846 (2022). 2022-05-19 Added one datapoint: S.N Sanders et al., Nature 604, 474–478 (2022). The printing rate and voxel size data are based on an estimate provided by the authors to us upon request. 2022-03-22 Added one datapoint: D. K. Limberg et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2022), doi:10.1021/jacs.1c11022. 2022-01-05 Added a new category: 2SA (Two-Step Absorption Printing) Added a new datapoint: Hahn, V. et al., Nat. Photon. 15, 932–938 (2021). 2021-06-06 Added a new category: AJ (Aerosol Jet 3D Nanoprinting) Added one datapoint: W. Jung et al., Nature. 592, 54–59 (2021). Modified layout: Moved legend outside the axes Modified layout: Layout is now based on the plotting library plotly ( and includes more interactive features 2020-12-26 Added a new category: LS3DP (Lightsheet 3D Printing). Added one datapoint: M. Regehly et al., Nature. 588, 620–624 (2020). 2020-12-08 Added two datapoints: 2019-5: S. K. Saha et al., Science. 366, 105–109 (2019). A detailed explanation for the location of these datapoints is given in V. Hahn, M. Wegener, Advanced Functional Materials. 30, 2003402 (2020). Added two datapoints: 2020-4: G. Ercolano et al., Advanced Engineering Materials. 22, 1900961 (2020). Renamed "EHDP" to "ECP" (Electrochemical 3D Printing). Added interactive legend icons. 2020-05-27 Added datapoint: 2020-3: C. Maibohm et al., Scientific Reports. 10, 8740 (2020). 2020-04-03 Added datapoint: 2020-2: D. Loterie et al., Nature Communications. 11, 1–6 (2020). Changed label from "This work" to "2020-1". Removed highlighting of "This work". Added javascript callbacks for interactive datapoints. Uploaded plot in SVG format.